Device Technologies Inc Industries Served

We support a broad range of industries with our machining services

Device Technologies Inc is renown around the country as a leading manufacturer and engineering of custom components, grounding, and bonding materials. With our innovative product lines serving such companies as Exellon, Comed, Northern Illinois Gas, Peoples gas, North shore gas, Southern gas, and Wisconsin Power. You can be confident you are getting the absolute best for your projects.


With commercial device requirements becoming miniaturized and more stringent, our strict quality control, impeccable machining precision, and a wide variety of material choices will meet and exceed all expectations.

  • Engine valves
  • Fuel pump components
  • Plasma cutter consumables
  • Hydraulic pump components
  • Valve components


As a precision electronic component manufacturer, whether your company requires a part that is fractions of an inch or yards long, metal or plastic, and in large quantities or single-item prototypes, we can provide a solution to your unique industrial problem

We guarantee that no part from our industrial component fabrication floor will exit the building without a meticulous inspection to ensure that the product meets and exceeds all requirements.


A well designed equipotential grounding and bonding system is crucial for protecting personnel during fault conditions.

Our machine shop can help bridge the gap to manufacture bushings, stems and other parts which are obsolete or unavailable in your regular procurement channels.


One of the fastest growing industries, is the energy industry. Also, the industry that caters to a wide range of commercial and industrial customers. The energy industry encompasses a wide range of resources such as solar, propane, natural gas, water, wind, electricity, etc. Most energy industry players use various types of equipment for harnessing fossil fuels, as well as water, wind, solar energy, etc.

It demands parts or components that are precision machined, and durable. There are very few companies that meet this requirement. Device Technologies Inc stands is a go to shop for these engineers.

Oil & Gas

The oil and gas industry always demands products or components that can encounter unexpected working environments.

With over thirty years of CNC experience, industry professionals from oil and gas companies across the country trust Device Technologies Inc for high levels of precision and accuracy.

Our skilled machinists work closely with you to custom-engineer the highest quality components which fit your specific project needs.

Prototyping & Manufacturing

Device Technologies Inc. works with all sorts of small, medium and large businesses to provide both new manufactured parts and to repair existing parts.

From your first project to your latest, we can help you realize your vision.

From initial conceptualization to putting the finishing touches on your first run, Device Technologies Inc works is dedicated to supporting inventors, development teams, and larger organizations to bring a project to realization.

Device Technologies Inc’s craftsmen specialize in steel and sheet metal fabrication and custom metal fabrication of all types and specifications.

Need a Custom Component?

Mattis ipsum dolor sit amet, vesena tomosi elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus ned semper sit amet, sollicitudin vitae nibh moresa at magna eu augue semper. Contact us today!

Other Services


Design Assistance


Invention Assistance

Product Development

Repairs and Maintenance

Are You An Inventor?

Whether its helping with your prototype design and build or working with your patent attorney,  we can take you through the entire process and in many cases handle your product production requirements.